Gina Bullis | President, CEO Go Beyond Consulting
Jun 1, 20223 min read
Why Invest in Leadership Development?
Leadership development works, especially when applied to all employees, not just leadership positions. Whether you have 5 employees or 5,000

Gina Bullis | President, CEO Go Beyond Consulting
Mar 22, 20224 min read
Juggling Priorities
Did you know that the word “priority” wasn’t used in the plural form until the 1940s? There was only the “priority,” the very first or...

Gina Bullis | President, CEO Go Beyond Consulting
Jan 25, 20223 min read
Adaptability & Agility
Earlier this winter I was driving on a two-lane highway when adaptability prevented a disaster. The weather conditions were compact snow...

Gina Bullis | President, CEO Go Beyond Consulting
Dec 28, 20214 min read
Give yourself (and your team) a new start in 2022!
If you’re like most leaders right now, you are tired, overwhelmed, maybe even burnt out. This pandemic has really done a number on our...